A Church Ready for a Change
Are you growing weary of the constant battles in today’s world? Rising crime, financial problems, broken homes, alcohol and drug abuse, rebellious children, disappearing morality – it seems like the world is growing further and further away from God and Christ, and the results are obvious. Are you ready to put a stop to the chaos and find true answers to a peaceful, happy life and a renewed relationship with God? Get ready for an amazing change!

A Sincere Body of Believers
When you visit Remnant Fellowship Church, the first thing you will notice are the smiling faces and happy families! The second thing you will notice is that this joy and caring is truly sincere, without a hint of hypocrisy. The genuine love and respect in this church family comes straight from hearts devoted first and foremost to God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ.
You will discover that every person has a story to share of the mighty changes that have taken place since putting God first in their lives. Some have broken free from slavery to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, overeating, and overspending. Others have healed marriages that were once on the brink of divorce. Still others share how their once-rebellious or angry children are now peaceful and full of joy. Changed life after changed life… Jesus tells us that you will know a true teaching by the FRUIT it produces (Matthew 7:16-20), and the fruit at Remnant Fellowship is undeniable!

A Church Full of Praise for God!
Although our main location is in beautiful Brentwood, Tennessee, our church services are webcast out to over 100 Remnant Fellowship locations all over the world! This allows church members, families, and friends to gather together for worship even though they are miles apart! Our main assemblies take place on Wednesday nights and Sabbaths (Saturday mornings), and they typically last from 1.5 to 2 hours. This time is filled with beautiful music from our Chamber Orchestra, exciting praise and worship music from our Praise Band and Choir, heartfelt and humble prayer, scripture from God’s Holy Word, amazing testimonies of changed lives, and of course, inspired teaching that will convict your heart and change your life. If you attend our main location in Brentwood, you will be welcomed into a breathtaking building that provides every need, including ample parking, comfortable seating, and nurseries where you can continue to watch the church service while providing for your young ones!

United Families, Growing Closer to God
Our hearts are full of worship, love for our spouses, and love for our children and one another. The life-changing teachings have united families, many of which include three generations! Come see for yourself what God is doing. You will witness consistency, humility, and genuine love for God, lived out day-by-day, not just during church! You will NOT find hypocritical church members, judgmental families, or church leaders who are only interested in adding numbers to the membership! We can offer your family the true treasure of a real, living relationship with God and Christ that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. God’s Word will open up to you like never before. Prayers will be answered as you turn away from the chaos of the world and grow closer to the Creator. The “invisible God” will become visible to you in ways that you could never imagine. Like it says in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
We offer support classes for: marriages, children, finances, and all addictions!
There is Hope!
It is Time for a Change!
The world is desperately seeking a Savior, and after generations of being misguided, misled, and abandoned, people are giving up. Give your family one more chance. Let Remnant Fellowship show you what a true, genuine, wholehearted Christian life looks like – you will never be the same. If you are in our area, we would love to have you visit us in Brentwood, or you can visit one of our many worldwide home-locations to join a webcast! We cannot wait to meet you. There is help and hope waiting for you!